Innovation Cluster

Luxembourg, June 16, 2022
The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab (LBL), a cross-industry collaboration between the private sector, academia, and government to push the adoption of Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) in Luxembourg, becomes an innovation cluster for the benefit of the economy and society.
The LBL will fulfil its mission to help the Grand Duchy and its various industries grasp the opportunities brought by the DLT technologies. This will be made possible via knowledge dissemination, support to project bearers with a link to SDGs and developing concrete solutions to achieve development targets.
The innovation cluster is also overseeing the Blockchain stream of the recently launched Digital Learning Hub (DLH) after signing a collaboration agreement with the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch. The initial training courses introduced the main principles of blockchain, its programming, as well as its legal and financial implications. This offering will be completed by dedicated learning paths, customised to the needs of various professionals, launching in the winter semester.
Previously Head of Operations and Projects at The LHoFT, Emilie Allaert has been appointed as the Head of the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab. With more than 10 years of experience in the financial industry and especially the last 5 years where she has been involved in numerous projects related to blockchain and digital assets at the LHoFT, Allaert will collaborate with the various industries present in Luxembourg and navigate the DLT technology innovations to raise awareness on its multiple applications.
Hosted within the entity of Infrachain a.s.b.l., the LBL is a collaborative entity combining the expertise and research capabilities of academia with strong industrial leadership from its five founding members Infrachain, Lëtzblock, The LHoFT, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) which reinstated their support to the initiative.
The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab is open to collaborating with partners from the private and public sector to bring a new vision for Blockchain in Luxembourg by providing stronger solutions and tackling the hurdles encountered in the development of technological projects. Infrachain community members will also have the opportunity to join the LBL collaborative ecosystem.
“DLT technology is at a tipping point where we need to act and deliver concretely solutions to the economy. It is essential to perceive the potential impact and support DLT can bring on the global sustainability goals strategy. The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab being recognised as a cluster will help reach out to a wide range of actors and facilitate collaboration and solutions using DLT.”