
Digital Learning Hub

Learning Blockchain !

On 16th May 2022, the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab was invited to the Digital Learning Hub launch event to sign a collaboration agreement and introduce the blockchain stream represented by the LBL, alongside the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch.

Take the next steps for your digital career

Terres rouges building

14, porte de France L-4360 Esch-sur-Alzette-Belval, Luxembourg


Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Design Thinking and Coding

Open to anyone

Created by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Digital Learning Hub (DLH) is responding to Luxembourg’s growing need for digital skills. Located in the Terres Rouges building in Belval, this new structure of lifelong training offers an attractive education to a heterogeneous public and courses that are highly sought after by companies.

The DLH built the school on four pillars which are Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Design Thinking and Coding but it is also a hub where can be plugged and unplugged subjects based on the demand.

The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab (LBL) who oversees the blockchain stream, has designed various training courses (ranging from few hours to few weeks) to introduce the main principles of blockchain, its legal and financial implications (new funding), learn how to program it and to gain knowledge on use cases for the industry.

While the LBL, which recently secured financing, is finalizing its last steps regarding its representation, Fabrice Croiseaux, Chairman of Infrachain a.s.b.l., represented the LBL on the launch day to sign the cooperation agreement with the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch.

The signature agreement was also the opportunity for the four pillars of the DLH to share the expected goals of this collaboration during a press conference where Croiseaux stated, “Today, there is a huge lack of development resources in digital expertise and it is the main obstacle to growth for almost all business sectors. Through this initiative, we are going to make sure more people have the capacity to deploy this type of expertise in companies.” He also added, “We want to give the ability to a certain public for whom it would not come naturally, to access this type of knowledge and expertise.”

The three other pillars are supported by:

At the occasion of the DLH’s launch, a round table was organized between Claude Meisch, Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Emilie Allaert, Project Lead of the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, Sophie Viger, Director of Ecole 42, Pascal Steichen, CEO of SECURITYMADEIN.LU, Gerard Hoffmann, CEO of Proximus Luxembourg, Christoph Meinel, CEO of Hasso-Plattner-Institut and School of Design Thinking; and Genna Elvin, Co-Founder of Tadaweb as a moderator, to discuss their experience and their insights on the current context around digital skills.

“The biggest concern about blockchain is the focus of the media which is currently on scams and digital assets. Blockchain is much more than that. There is a technology behind it and we either have to learn about it and eventually master it, or at least know what it is all about to better appreciate it and be less defiant,” discussed Allaert. She also explained that, “Blockchain impacts all industries, it is not just finance. Absolutely everyone can be affected or might want to implement this technology. The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab via the DLH wants to provide workshops in all industries that could have an interest, a use case that could be presented, whether in health, logistics, … we can also talk about the EBSILUX project with diplomas in particular. There are also many implications for citizens where administrations could implement this kind of technology.”

Following the round table, participants could learn more about the LBL and other innovative solutions and initiatives at their booth while enjoying the walking diner.

The trainings within the DLH are open to anyone, resident or not, of adult age, who wishes to obtain an advanced education in the specialties offered in the various training entities. No special entry requirements and no preliminary qualifications or degrees required.

The free courses will begin on May 31 where participants willing to learn more about blockchain can register for one of the following courses provided by the

Learn more about blockchain and register for the BLOCKCHAIN 101 pack who include: