First in-Person Luxembourg Blockchain Week Makes Grand Impact Within the Blockchain Ecosystem

Luxembourg Blockchain Week 2022
At d’Coque Luxembourg
First in-Person Luxembourg Blockchain Week Makes Grand Impact Within the Blockchain Ecosystem
At d’Coque Luxembourg
The one-week conference was coordinated and organized by the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, the Luxembourg innovation cluster dedicated to everything related to distributed ledger technology (DLT). Strong of the support from its ecosystem partners, the conference offered multiple side events dedicated to specific topics targeting the Luxembourg economy.
The event centred around 18 main topics: Metaverse, NFTs, Verifiable credentials, Digital identity, Web3, Digital assets, Healthcare, Art & culture, Regulations, Decentralized finance, Sustainability & social impact, Cryptocurrency, Decarbonation, Supply-chain, Ecosystem, DLT, Tokenisation and Anti-money laundering.
The second edition of the Luxembourg Blockchain Week featured a uniquely designed program of concrete Blockchain applications presentations, keynotes, interactive discussions, crash courses, workshops and pitch. The organisers welcomed more than 350 attendees from all around the world. The scene was filled with more than 90 speakers; 50% were C-level executives and more than 27% were women. The event was completed by 10 side events organised by sponsors and partners ABBL, Allen & Overy, EBSILUX project, Elvinger Hoss Prussen, Société Générale, along with the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab’s five founding members Infrachain, Lëtzblock, The LHoFT, LIST and SnT.
H.E. the Prime Minister and Minister for Digitalisation of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, opened the afternoon session of the 6th edition of Infrachain Summit with a keynote on the digital transformation of Luxembourg. The speech is available on Infrachain’s YouTube channel. Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot also shared his support for the disruptive technology and its will for an active blockchain ecosystem with an opening keynote at the Luxembourg Blockchain Week. The speech is available on the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab’s YouTube channel.
The conference was also the stage of the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab’s and the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Institute’s announcement of a joint call for project targeting specific sustainable development goals with the aim of achieving viable solutions that can be deployed on a large scale as part of the national effort in sustainable finance. Applications are open until December 15, 2022 on https://blockchainlab.lu/lsfi-lbl-joint-call-for-project.
The conference received tremendous praise from speakers, attendees and sponsors. The organisers thank all the sponsors who made this event happen and look forward to another successful edition in 2023.